A New Era Begins At Transformation Life Center, God’s Faithfulness Continues

by Pastor/Founder Tom Mahairas

God placed a new song of praise at TLC. A new attitude of joy, and new heart, and a new spirit in our staff and in the residents of TLC. God has given us a new hope for the future. And that is not all; God has given TLC a new Executive Director, Dr. George Kalaras. He graduated from TLC 15 years ago and went on went on to receive  his undergraduate, master’s, and doctorate degrees. He joined our Board of Directors four years ago and comes with his wife Angela to lead this awesome ministry that has helped save and transform thousands of lives for over 30 years.

George, Angela, and their staff are developing a fresh new curriculum that will help transform and disciple the men and women that we will be ministering to. There is a fresh new faith that has marked everything we have seen in the last few months.

Nahum, one of our staff members, along wth two of our residents before the TLC gala.

We decided to go local with our Faith Gala Banquets, and for the first time ever God provided a donor who underwrote all the expense for the food at the Manhattan Bible Church. Another new experience was that a special donor provided a lead gift of $25,000 that was matched by Steve Young, chairman of TLC’s board, his family, and the many friends that we have at First Baptist of Merritt Island, Florida.

But the most amazing thing was that the friends and supporters at the Manhattan Bible Church and other friends of TLC pledged another $25,000! Praise God! He provided and helped us meet our faith goal for the evening. The whole Gala was a huge success. The program, music, videos, and dinner — all of it was anointed by God. Everyone could sense the joy of a fresh new wind and spirit that is blowing at TLC. I offer a sincere thank you to everyone who made it happen.